Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Civil Rights in times of crisis

Dear Class,

I appreciate all your participation in class today.  I also appreciate that all those different opinions can make for strong emotions, but ideas and discussion of those ideas are the core of freedom and American government.  So I present you with this video of Dr. Martin Luther King, and I beg you watch it.  Not because it is required, but because he felt his death upon him, faced his fears and pronounced his beliefs.  Pay careful attention to his references to the mountain top and how he might not make it with you but "he has seen the promise land."  

He was murdered the next day.

Another very brave person, that many people do not know about, is Dolores Huerta.  Who was a pioneering woman that is as much responsible for the rights of farm workers as Cesar Chavez!

This is Ted Kennedy's speech at his brother Bobby Kennedy's funeral.  Ted's oldest brother Joe died in World War II, his second oldest brother John F Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 while President of the United States, and his third brother, Bobby, was assassinated several years after JFK.  This is Ted's eulogy (speech) at the funeral of his brother Bobby, the third of his family to die.  It speaks of the will it takes to change the world.

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